Wellness on Hopetoun is proud to offer Acupuncture as a holistic approach to treating various conditions. Acupuncture employs the use of incredibly fine needles which stimulate key points throughout your body that have been mapped out over thousands of years. Book with our acupuncturist at Wellness on Hopetoun and experience what this amazing healing art form can do for you.
Chinese Medicine (CM) is an ancient healing art established around 5000 years ago. It is a natural therapy that aims to alleviate pain and promote health and well-being by correcting the flow of energy in your body.
It includes various modalities such as Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, moxa, massage, cupping, gua sha and dietary and lifestyle advice. Acupuncture is the most commonly used modality and is the area I specialise in.
According to CM, there are channels of energy that flow within our bodies. Due to various factors such as overwork, poor diet, physical injury etc., these energies can stagnate, weaken or flow in the wrong direction. This causes pain, disease or dysfunction of certain organs.
Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles to tap into these channels to unblock, strengthen or balance their flow. It effectively allows your body to heal itself with its own energy.
Not really. As opposed to syringes, which are thicker and inject fluids into veins or muscle tissue, Acupuncture needles are very fine and are not inserted as deeply. Sometimes you may experience an aching or tingling feeling (but these are normal sensations of your energy flow) and sometimes, you may feel nothing at all!
Acupuncture is commonly described as a highly relaxing and calming experience.
Not at all. I am a qualified and registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner trained to locate Acupuncture points accurately and use the correct needling technique. I always clean your skin with an alcohol swab before needling and I use single-use, disposable needles.
Acupuncture points are located virtually over the entire surface of the body. I select anywhere from 1-10 points based on your condition and individual energy flow. Most commonly used points, however, are found on the limbs.
Melt stress and lift energy levels using gentle massage techniques designed for pregnancy. These assist in maintaining well-being, adapting to postural changes and better managing emotional stress and tension.
Our therapists use a pregnancy pillow and side-lying techniques to keep you as comfortable as possible during treatment.
If You Are Still Unsure Of Whether Acupuncture Can Help You, Please Feel Free To Call And Ask.
Whoever said -"beauty is pain", never tried cosmetic Acupuncture.
And my clients? They don’t just love the process; they love the results.
Cosmetic Acupuncture has been used to enhance beauty and well-being for thousands of years. Because it is a safe and natural treatment, this anti-aging practice has become increasingly popular.
Cosmetic Acupuncture can soften lines and wrinkles, lift sagging, increase firmness and tone in the face, fade pigmentation, and reduce scarring. Super-fine needles - made specifically for use on the face - are inserted to stimulate specific muscles. These work to either pull the skin tighter, or to relax other muscles and release tension in the face.
Yes, it can. Fine needles are inserted along the line or wrinkle using a specialised technique. This causes what’s called a "micro-trauma".
While it might sound dramatic, this causes your body to go into repair mode, producing collagen and elastin. How amazing is that? Over time, these treatments will soften lines and plump the face from beneath the surface, resulting in more youthful and vibrant skin.
You bet. With age, our muscles naturally weaken and atrophy, and the muscles of the face are no exception. Cosmetic Acupuncture works to stimulate collagen production, causing the regeneration of fibres. Needling the muscles in the affected areas helps them tighten and strengthen, lifting areas and giving your face a firmer appearance.
Take air conditioning, heating, weather, pollution and a hefty dose of stress, and you’ve got a combo that can pack a punch to your skin. No matter how much we limit our exposure to these aging factors or how much moisturiser we apply, our skin can remain dry, tight, and flaky. Facial Acupuncture encourages blood flow to the face to combat surface dryness and revitalise the flesh and soft tissue underneath – essential for supplying nutrients and retaining moisture for the skin above.
Skin pigmentation is common among women. It is seen as a blockage and lack of circulation in areas of the face. Cosmetic Acupuncture promotes fresh blood flow to the surface, dispersing blockages and flushing away the pigments that cause discolouration.
We can thank our modern, busy lifestyles for the uncomfortable tension that occurs in the face, particularly around the forehead and between the eyebrows. Cosmetic Acupuncture relaxes and releases targeted muscles, relieving tension and softening your face.
Be it from injury, surgery, or acne; Cosmetic Acupuncture can soften scarring by boosting circulation and encouraging the skin’s natural healing process. Perhaps you have dark red and purple skin spots, pitting (small holes), lumps, bumps or uneven skin texture? Cosmetic Acupuncture can remove stagnant blood and allow fresh blood through the area, renewing and regenerating tissue, promoting collagen production and visibly improving the skin’s appearance.
Let’s think of your body as a beautiful garden (stick with me here, okay?). Your face is one small part of this garden, but your whole body requires care and attention for this part to flourish. Using Cosmetic Acupuncture to stimulate collagen production is like planting seeds, fertilising and watering your garden; the more effort and care you take early on, the more abundant your garden will be in the future. In other words, the more collagen you can build now, the more you'll have later, and the more the ageing process can be slowed.
Here at Wellness on Hopetoun, I help women treat many skin concerns. We’ll begin your appointment by discussing your concerns about your skin, and I’ll assess your facial muscles, soft tissue and skin, and overall health to establish the appropriate treatment. Tongue and pulse diagnosis will help detect any internal imbalances contributing to the health and appearance of your facial skin.
Your treatment will generally include facial Acupuncture plus acupuncture points on the body, which helps balance other contributing factors such as hormones, anxiety, digestion, etc. Gentle facial massage will enhance blood flow and promote lymphatic drainage.
Your first appointment can take up to 75 minutes, and around 45 minutes for consecutive appointments.
Cosmetic Acupuncture doesn’t introduce any foreign substances or harsh chemicals into your system, so the downtime required after a cosmetic acupuncture treatment is minimal. You might see some flushing or redness due to increased blood circulation to the face and is very normal. Occasionally, minor and temporary bruising may occur at the needle insertion site. This is usually painless and will resolve itself within a day or two.
Be gentle with your body after each session - avoid things like strenuous exercise - but feel free to return to normal daily activities. You can even apply makeup straight after your treatment if you wish.
The number of Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments required will vary from one patient to the next. Important things to consider are:
-Your age. A person in their 20’s will need fewer treatments than someone in their 50’s or 60’s.
- Your lifestyle. Those with a healthy lifestyle will have a better and quicker response than those who drink, smoke, neglect sleep, or have a poor diet.
- Other factors such as ethnicity, skin type, and constitution.
You’ll be pleased to know that just 3 to 4 weekly treatments can deliver results for dry or dull skin. As for wrinkles or loss of firmness, you’ll notice improvements within 10-15 treatments (once or twice a week), and sometimes within as little as 4 or 5 weeks.
After an initial round of treatments, maintenance treatments are recommended. You can schedule these around every 4 to 8 weeks.
Maintenance treatments can help initial results last 2-3 years, after which time you may opt to do another intensive round of treatments.
Cosmetic Acupuncture should be used with caution if you:
Monday: 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00AM – 8:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM – 2:00PM
Sunday: Closed